The importance of ‘me-time’ after a breast cancer diagnosis - News & Updates • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

The importance of ‘me-time’ after a breast cancer diagnosis

The importance of ‘me-time’ after a breast cancer diagnosis

After a breast cancer diagnosis life can be a whirlwind of appointments, tests and treatments. During this time, it can be hard to find a moment to breathe and process, but, it's important that you do give yourself time to stop.

Research shows that scheduling in a bit of ‘me-time’ every day can reduce anxiety and help to control emotions, which is pretty important after a difficult event like a breast cancer diagnosis. Experts suggest that a mere 5-10 minutes a day can really help your brain to slow down and relax.

Here are some of our suggestions:

  • Write lists – writing down everything you hear during appointments can really help. Spend a few minutes reading through your notes and thinking about how your next few months will look.
  • Try Headspace – this amazing and free app makes meditation easy and less daunting. Let the soothing voice take you to a place far away from your oncology appointment!
  • Take a walk – a simple stroll can really do wonders for the mind. Take a friend along or just plug into some music and let the time drift by.
  • Book yourself into a yoga class – as cliché as it may seem yoga really does help you slow yourself down and teaches you brilliant breathing techniques which can be applied during times of stress.
  • Be creative – perhaps picking up a pen and paper will calm down your mind, try adult colouring books such as World of Flowers by Johanna Basford.
  • Seek support – call our nurse line for a chat about the information you’ve received from your oncologist. They will be happy to talk to you about any concerns and offer you our support services.
  • Listen to a podcast – make waiting rooms less daunting by plugging into a good podcast. We love You, Me and the Big C: Putting the can in cancer, you can listen to it here.
  • Read a book – reading really can take the mind to another world, studies have shown that reading can relax you by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles.

We all switch-off in different ways but find what suits you.

Remember to reach out if you need to – your support network is always closer than it seems.