News & updates • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

News & updates

Our latest news, press releases, blog posts, Pink Ribbon Bulletins & Pink Ribbon Press.

New clinical trial co-ordinator appointed to drive clinical trial participation
17 December 2024

New clinical trial co-ordinator appointed to drive clinical trial participation

More New Zealanders with breast cancer could have access to new drugs and clinical trials because of investment in a dedicated breast cancer clinical trial co-ordinator, funded by Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.
New Zealanders to access "wonder drug" for the new year
06 December 2024

New Zealanders to access "wonder drug" for the new year

Wonderful news! Pharmac has confirmed funding for Enhertu following public consultation. Thanks to submissions from individuals and patient advocacy groups, eligibility has been changed to include more people with advanced HER2-positive breast cancer.
Press release
Kiwis with advanced triple negative breast cancer get the news they’ve been waiting for
05 July 2024

Kiwis with advanced triple negative breast cancer get the news they’ve been waiting for

Pharmac announces funding for Keytruda for metastatic triple negative breast cancer from October 1st.
Pharmac reverses eligibility restrictions for life-extending drugs
18 June 2024

Pharmac reverses eligibility restrictions for life-extending drugs

Positive outcome for patients with advanced HR+/HER2- breast cancer as new treatment available from July 1.
Ali's new normal
26 March 2024

Ali's new normal

For Ali Coomber, living well after breast cancer looks like reading lots of books, regular yoga, connecting with family, and coming to terms with thoughts of recurrence.
All in the same boat
26 March 2024

All in the same boat

Busting With Life team member Donna says, the 22 women would likely never have met, were it not for their common thread – a diagnosis of breast cancer.
Suzie's reconstruction diary part 5: Feeling stronger
05 June 2023

Suzie's reconstruction diary part 5: Feeling stronger

This is the final part of Suzie’s journal. She talks about her recovery and feeling stronger, attending her daughter's wedding, getting Covid-19 as well as her feelings about her new breasts.
Suzie's reconstruction diary part 4: The weeks after surgery
16 May 2023

Suzie's reconstruction diary part 4: The weeks after surgery

After 4 ½ years on the waiting list for bilateral DIEP breast reconstruction surgery and being first on the waiting list for more than a year, Suzie and her husband decided to pay for the surgery privately. This is part 4 of Suzie’s journal of her surgery and recovery. Here she details her experiences over a month after having her breast reconstruction.
Suzie's reconstruction diary part 3: Back at home
26 April 2023

Suzie's reconstruction diary part 3: Back at home

This is part 3 of Suzie’s journal of her breast reconstruction surgery and recovery experiences. Here she details her first three weeks being back at home after her breast reconstruction.
Suzie's reconstruction diary part 2: The hospital stay
18 April 2023

Suzie's reconstruction diary part 2: The hospital stay

After 4 ½ years on the waiting list for bilateral DIEP breast reconstruction surgery and being first on the waiting list for more than a year, Suzie and her husband decided to pay for the surgery privately. This is part 2 of Suzie’s surgery and recovery experiences
"The day has finally arrived": Suzie's long wait for breast reconstruction
10 April 2023

"The day has finally arrived": Suzie's long wait for breast reconstruction

After 4 ½ years on the waiting list for bilateral DIEP breast reconstruction surgery and being first on the waiting list for more than a year, Suzie and her husband decided to pay for the surgery privately. This is a journal of Suzie’s surgery and recovery experiences...
Press release
“Don’t suffer in silence”: Charity urges breast cancer survivors to act on long-term effects
03 February 2023

“Don’t suffer in silence”: Charity urges breast cancer survivors to act on long-term effects

Ahead of World Cancer Day (4 February), we're highlighting the issue of long-term side effects of breast cancer treatment, to gain more knowledge in this under-researched field.
Summer advice from our specialist breast nurses
22 December 2022

Summer advice from our specialist breast nurses

Our team of specialist nurses have pulled together useful tips to help you have a safe and enjoyable summer.
Recipes for the festive season
21 December 2022

Recipes for the festive season

Need some holiday cooking inspiration? We’ve chosen some recipes for the festive season from Everyday Strength, a cookbook with wellbeing tips for cancer patients by food writer Sam Mannering and author Karen McMIllan, both of whom have had cancer.
Press release
Experts adopt new guidelines to improve treatment for Kiwis with advanced breast cancer
13 October 2022

Experts adopt new guidelines to improve treatment for Kiwis with advanced breast cancer

We’ve worked with the country’s top breast cancer specialists to develop new clinical guidelines for the treatment of advanced breast cancer.
Orange is the new pink
21 April 2022

Orange is the new pink

Last week’s move to the orange traffic light setting has brought with it lots of exciting changes for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ, including a return to the office for our Auckland staff members
Keeping you and your whānau safe during the Omicron outbreak
07 April 2022

Keeping you and your whānau safe during the Omicron outbreak

With now only those who test positive with Covid-19 and their household contacts required to isolate, the chance of catching Omicron while you’re out and about has increased
Press release
New BCFNZ-funded nurse making a difference in Canterbury
09 March 2022

New BCFNZ-funded nurse making a difference in Canterbury

Meet Katherine King, Canterbury's first oncology clinical nurse specialist dedicated to breast cancer.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
December 2021

December 2021

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ donates $100,000 for breast cancer vaccine, Auckland DJ auctions art for a cause, a tribute to Wiki Mulholland, plus messages of thanks to those who have supported us over the past few months.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
September 2021

September 2021

Breast Cancer Foundation NZ answers your vaccine questions, awards $200,000 to scientists at the University of Otago for cancer research, and shares the stories of women your generosity has helped.
How the support of our donors got Ziggy through her recovery
15 September 2021

How the support of our donors got Ziggy through her recovery

Ziggy’s entire world stopped when she found out she had breast cancer during the second Covid-19 lockdown in August last year.
A message to our supporters from Tamara
15 September 2021

A message to our supporters from Tamara

Tamara was diagnosed with breast cancer last year at the age of 33, while she was pregnant with her second child, Zac.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
August 2021

August 2021

The Pink Caravan is back on the road for the spring and summer tour, tickets are on sale for the Pink Ribbon Walks, plus sleep tips, a new exercise programme for breast cancer patients, and info about Covid vaccines and mammograms.
Press release
ABCpro making a difference for Kiwis with advanced breast cancer
12 August 2021

ABCpro making a difference for Kiwis with advanced breast cancer

Joy and Huia are taking part in the pilot of ABCpro, a new telehealth nursing service we've launched at Waikato Hospital. They speak out about how ABCpro is making a huge difference in their lives