Webinars pull in the viewers - News & Updates • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

Webinars pull in the viewers

In the last six months, BCFNZ webinars have focused on topics such as breast reconstruction, managing the side effects of treatment, what to expect after a diagnosis and dealing with DCIS. In total, 1016 people have signed up to watch our webinars live over that time and 844 people have watched our webinar videos at a later date.

It’s great to hear that people continue to find our webinars helpful, whether they’re currently going through treatment or finished a while ago. Our pop-up webinar in late March, featuring radiologist Monica Saini (a member of our medical advisory committee) and BCF nurse Natalie James, was able to answer questions raised by the COVID-19 situation and was well-received. Our webinar programme will continue this year, with topics including decision-making in advanced breast cancer, and complementary therapies. The April webinar was one of our most requested topics – nutrition during and after treatment.

View our webinars here.