Webinars • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

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Research round-up

There is a lot of exciting research into breast cancer and how we may be better able to treat it. In this webinar, our expert panel discusses the latest research from this year, and what that could mean for breast cancer patients.

Meet your panel

Dr Maria Pearse is a consultant radiology oncologist at Auckland City Hospital. She gives an update on the FAST-Forward trial, which could shorten breast cancer treatment time by two-thirds.

Dr Reuben Broom is a medical oncologist at Canopy Cancer Care. He shares the results from the MonarchE clinical trial, which tested a CDK4/6 inhibitor alongside standard hormone therapy.

Adè​le Gautier is BCFNZ's research and advocacy manager. She shares new information on the UK-AGE trial, which sees mammograms start at 40, as well as the clinical trials that are currently open in New Zealand.

Natalie James is the nurse manager at BCFNZ. She gives insights into research on biosimilars and the benefits of exercise.

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