Check your breasts
It’s as easy as TLC: Touch, Look, get it Checked.
There’s no ‘right’ way to check your breasts. But it's important to know your normal and check regularly for any unusual changes.
Your breasts will change over the course of a month. Overtime you will learn what is normal for you when you touch and look regularly.
If you’ve found something that doesn’t seem normal, it’s important to chat with your doctor.
Checked your breasts lately?
We’ll show you how.
You can touch your breasts in a number of positions, wherever or whenever it suits.
It may be easier to check your breasts while you’re in the shower or bath, as your hands are wet. This makes it easier to slide your hand over your breasts.
An easy way to check your breasts is to:
If you have larger breasts, it may be easier to check when you’re lying down so your breast tissue is flatter.
With your hands on your hips, look at your breasts in a mirror. Notice their shape, colour and size. Then raise your arms above your head to check underneath the breast.
Check out the video above for more information on how to self-check.
Most breast changes aren’t caused by cancer but check with your doctor to be sure. If you’ve had a breast change checked out by your GP and they aren’t concerned but it continues to grow or change, it’s important to go back and have it checked again or seek a second opinion.
If you’re not sure about talking to your GP, tell someone you trust, like a girlfriend or your mum. They can support you to see your GP. BCFNZ also has nurses available, who can give you free advice. Get in touch at