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Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
Breast awareness
Breast awareness
Know your breasts
Check your breasts
Signs of breast cancer
Benign breast conditions
Breast pain (mastalgia)
Things seen on mammogram
Breast lumps
Things that look different to your normal
Your actions by age
Under 20
Having a mammogram
What about thermography?
Screen 70+
Risk factors
Risk factors we can't change
Lower your risk of breast cancer
Factors that don't cause breast cancer
Breast cancer in the LGBTIQ+ community
Inherited risk
Inherited risk FAQs
Know your own risk
Genetic counselling & testing
Risk-reducing options
Breast cancer
Breast cancer
Breast cancer facts
What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer in NZ
Breast anatomy
Types of breast cancer
Receptor status
Breast cancer in young women
Fertility preservation before treatment starts
Early menopause & bone health
Treatment during pregnancy
Breast cancer in men
Tests & diagnosis
The Triple Test
Understanding your pathology report
Breast cancer staging
Gene expression profiling
Treatment options
Breast conserving surgery
Axillary surgery
Breast reconstruction
Going Flat
What type of surgery should you have?
Side effects and complications
Radiation therapy
Hormone therapy
Targeted therapy
Questions to ask
Advanced breast cancer
Signs and symptoms
Tests and diagnosis
Hormone therapy
Targeted (biological) therapy
Bone strengthening therapy
Local treatment
New Zealand's ABC Guidelines
Clinical trials
Managing symptoms and side effects
Managing emotional side effects
Living with advanced breast cancer
Sexuality and intimacy
Work and finance
Advance care planning
Connecting with others
Finding support when you are caring for someone with ABC
Talking to children
Clinical trials
Glossary of trial terms
Questions to ask your doctor
Clinical trials FAQs
Ask a nurse
Counselling application
Cancer rehabilitation
Fitness before treatment
Fitness during and after treatment
Exercise following surgery
Keeping fit and well during treatment
Rehab after treatment
Pink Ribbon™ Card
I’ve been diagnosed
Where to next?
Communicating to friends & family
Financial support
Letting work know
Breast prostheses
Wigs & headwear
Moving forward after treatment
Follow up plan
Coping with long-term side effects of treatment
Body image & sexuality
Complementary therapies
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
Fear of recurrence
Patient information events
Helping someone with breast cancer
What to say
Support for partners
How to help
Breast Cancer Services Directory
Personal stories
What we do
What we do
Programmes in your area
Where your money goes
Awareness & education
Education programme
Our Pink Campervans
Awareness campaigns
Research & medical
Te Rēhita Mate Ūtaetae, the Breast Cancer Foundation National Register
Breast cancer support
Apply for funding
Research grant programme
Nurse / Clinical Trial Coordinator/ Mammography Grant
Medical Grant
Community Outreach Grant
2023 Election
Let's get Keytruda funded!
Give Us Our Mammograms
NZ’s progress in tackling breast cancer
Missing women
Raising the free mammogram age
Advanced breast cancer in New Zealand
How you can help
How you can help
Ways to give
Online donation
Give in celebration
The Zero Club - Regular Giving
A gift in your Will
Payroll giving
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Event calendar
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Pink Ribbon Breakfast
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Pink Ribbon Street Appeal
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Medical Professionals
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News & updates
Our latest news, press releases, blog posts, Pink Ribbon Bulletins & Pink Ribbon Press.
More info
Our news and updates are grouped into the following content types:
The latest research on improving breast cancer treatment and detection.
Press Releases
The latest news from Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.
Blog Posts
Advice, research and webinars for our breast cancer community.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
The latest information on Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s research, news and events - published every two months.
Pink Ribbon Press
Our Spring and Autumn newsletter with the most important information on breast cancer rolled into one publication.
Press release
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
Pink Ribbon Press
Zero club newsletter
Education & awareness
Community & events
Our partners
Patient support
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Pink Ribbon Bulletins
February 2020
BCFNZ announces $600,000 research grant, advocating for free GP visits, plus the Pink Caravan starts its South Island tour.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
December 2019
What BCFNZ achieved in 2019, plus the year's highlights from the BCFNZ team.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
October 2019
BCFNZ launches VR pilot trial, why men should be breast aware, Pink Star Walk continues, plus shop for good this October.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
July 2019
2019 research grants announced, return of Pink Star Walk and upcoming events, plus are Kiwi cancer patients getting a good deal?
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
May 2019
The fight goes on for ABC patients, May welcomes Pink Ribbon Breakfast Month, patients to receive more support than ever before, plus breast cancer and the immune system.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
February 2019
Our innovative breast cancer research, Vitamin C and Cancer webinar, plus Dr Fatima Cardoso says "We're giving up too soon".
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
December 2018
World expert to advise on Kiwi ABC guidelines, cards make life easier for breast cancer patients, Pink Caravan visits hundreds of Kiwis, plus how to do YOU this festive season.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
September 2018
Clinical trial tackles crippling chemo vomiting and nausea, Kiwis with advanced breast cancer dying earlier than in other countries, plus October is breast cancer awareness month.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
July 2018
Life extending drug for patients who've been missing out, personalised medicine could be the future of breast cancer treatment, Cathy shares her inspirational story, plus Shavaughn Ruakere is our dancing queen.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
May 2018
Rave reviews for new biopsy chair, immunotherapy and it's exciting role in breast cancer treatment, tomosynthesis in PN, plus mybc reaches 1000 members!
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
January 2018
#WorldCancerDay, is there a place for self-hypnosis in breast cancer treatment?, plus infusions, tablets or oranges: when it comes to cancer, what's vital about vitamin C?
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
November 2017
Christmas carols do cancer patients a world of good, Farmers' raises an amazing $313,962 for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ, plus could Tai Chi help manage breast cancer treatment side effects?
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
August 2017
Revealed: Your best weapon against breast cancer returning, a simpler way to check for the spread of breast cancer, plus your community needs you: be the difference.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
March 2017
Vaccine to fight Stage VI breast cancer, Mediterranean diet could cut your risk of hard-to-treat kind of breast cancer by 40%, plus eight meaningful things that you can do to help your loved ones in their battle against breast cancer.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
January 2017
Five simple New Year's resolutions to keep you healthy in 2017, researchers may have found a solution for chemo-brain, plus fashion designer's 'She Shed' fundraiser a big success for the NZBCF.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
November 2016
Join our new online community for New Zealanders affected by breast cancer, Farmers customers raised an amazing total during October, plus Fiona went the extra mile for breast cancer.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
September 2016
BCFNZ launches NZ's first ever webinar for advanced breast cancer patients, 10 ways you can take action this October, plus get answers to all of your breast reconstruction questions.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
July 2016
Eight key messages from Patient/Consumer Day, NZ's Pink Lady Apples gives Kiwis the chance to 'take a bite for breast cancer', plus memory loss and concentration problems on Tamoxifen - sound familiar? -
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
May 2016
One simple diet change could reduce your breast cancer recurrence risk by 36%, star-studded Pink Ribbon Breakfast gives patients a well-deserved break, plus nourishing meals on their way to breast cancer patients.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
March 2016
Listen to Hollie Smith's touching tribute song to friend Helena McAlpine, 150,000 Kiwi women should be getting mammograms, but aren't, plus looking for support and friendship? Dragon boating could be the answer.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
February 2016
- Do dairy products and red meat cause cancer? - What would you do to honour the memory of the love of your life? - More women can now get tested for cancer-causing genetic mutations
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
November 2015
Latest clinical trials now online, Farmers' customers broke records during breast cancer month, plus new NZBCF grant calls for innovative research ideas.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
June 2015
Hope for Lymphoedema sufferers, family history FAQs, plus could aspirin provide a breakthrough?
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
April 2015
Pink Ribbon Breakfast for Mum, driving with your Pink Caps on, plus free counselling available.
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