Donate your tax rebate to Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
Did you know that all donations to Breast Cancer Foundation NZ (BCFNZ) of $5 or over are tax deductible in New Zealand? Claiming your tax and donating it to BCFNZ is a fantastic way to make your donation go further.
For example, if you donate $100 you are eligible to claim $33. Donating this to BCFNZ makes your gift worth $133.
How do I transfer my tax rebate to Breast Cancer Foundation NZ?
- Collect all your donation tax receipts from 1 April 2017 - 31 March 2018.
- Complete the IR526 Tax credit claim form 2018.
If you have already received your form, please add "Breast Cancer Foundation NZ" and the bank account details 12 3030 0534226 07 to section 9.
If you do not have a form, you can download it here: ir526-2018-BCFNZ.pdf
- Send the claim form back to IRD. Remember to attach your receipts.
Inland Revenue
PO Box 39090
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt, 5045
- Let us know you have donated your rebate by emailing us or calling us (09 304 0963). We'd love to hear from you.