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Breast cancer
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Breast cancer in men
Tests & diagnosis
The Triple Test
Understanding your pathology report
Breast cancer staging
Gene expression profiling
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Going Flat
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Advanced breast cancer
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17 January 2018
Starting the year free of fear
Cancer takes so much from people. Learning how to respond to it in a way that will help you move forward is a challenging concept to understand and deal with, especially when you’re living with uncertainty.
14 December 2017
Let them eat pud: staying healthy over the holidays
With pavlovas, parties and punch it’s no surprise that staying healthy during the festive season can be a challenge. But it’s not impossible!
01 December 2017
Scar therapy: caring for your surgical scars after a mastectomy
People react to scars in different ways; for some, they are a stark reminder of pain, while for others, they are a celebration of survival and represent new life.
15 November 2017
The best way to prepare for reconstructive surgery
The choice to have, or to not have, breast reconstruction is a very personal one. If you do decide to have surgery, there are a couple of bits and pieces you can do (or ask others to do for you – recommended!) to make your surgery, and recovery time, as stress-free as possible.
09 November 2017
Sealed Section: sex after breast cancer
Sex therapist Edit Horvath, endocrinologist Dr Stella Milsom and breast cancer survivor Rose Wharepapa answered your most pressing questions about sex and intimacy after breast cancer in a recent webinar.
Press release
24 October 2017
LGBTIQ+ breast cancer info now available
The Breast Cancer Foundation NZ website now has a section dedicated to the LGBTIQ+ community.
Press release
17 October 2017
Free seminar on breast reconstruction tomorrow, Auckland
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ will host a free seminar on reconstruction after breast cancer on Wednesday October 18, 6:30pm-8:30pm, at Auckland University’s Medical School.
27 September 2017
5 things you need to know about radiation therapy
Most people have an idea about what chemotherapy is, but radiation can prove a bit more mysterious.
Press release
21 September 2017
Webinars hit all the right notes
How do you ‘reignite the passion’ after diagnosis and treatment?
Press release
21 September 2017
New nurse educator a wise addition
Vivienne Maidens has joined Breast Cancer Foundation NZ as a breast nurse educator, bringing with her a wealth of international experience. Patients who phone our hotline or have joined our on-line patient community “mybc” are already benefitting from Vivienne’s broad knowledge and deep compassion.
Press release
21 September 2017
Innovative pilot helps breast cancer patients keep their hair
Hair loss during chemotherapy can be devastating for breast cancer patients, adding trauma during an already stressful time. But, thanks to your generous donations, many breast cancer patients will emerge from chemotherapy with little or no hair loss over the next few months.
30 August 2017
How to prepare for your breast cancer treatment
Your breast cancer experience will be unique to you. But you don’t have to face it alone. We’ve talked to breast cancer nurses, patients who have gone through similar things to what you’re about to go through, and our wider medical professional community for some insight into those little things that make a big difference.
13 July 2017
6 things you need to know about fertility after breast cancer
Last month medical specialists, Dr Sheridan Wilson and Dr Guy Gudex, joined breast cancer survivor, Caroline Eric, on a panel to discuss the impact of breast cancer treatment on fertility in a free webinar run by Breast Cancer Foundation NZ. We've done a round up of the 6 key messages.
23 March 2017
8 meaningful things you can do to help your loved ones in their battle against breast cancer
When someone that you know is diagnosed with cancer, it can be really hard to know how to support them. Fortunately, there are lots of small things that you can do to show that you care.
13 January 2017
Researchers may have found a solution for chemo-brain
One of breast cancer’s biggest survivorship problems could be solved with brain exercises.
13 January 2017
5 simple New Year’s resolutions to keep you healthy in 2017
Why not make 2017 about looking after your health? And we’re not talking about strict diets or monumental exercise challenges – just simple, easy steps you can take to reduce your risk of breast cancer, improve your health, and help you feel good.
09 December 2016
Tips for your first Christmas after diagnosis, from women who’ve been there
Whether you’re newly diagnosed, having treatment, or getting used to life with or after breast cancer, your first Christmas after diagnosis can be rough.
16 November 2016
Join our new online community for New Zealanders affected by breast cancer
During October we celebrated the launch of mybc, an online community for New Zealanders affected by breast cancer.
23 August 2016
We’re launching NZ’s first ever webinar for advanced breast cancer patients
We're pleased to announce the first in series of webinars for breast cancer patients. On Tuesday October 18th, the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation is hosting three experts to talk about:
Press release
04 August 2016
Six new machines for early detection of lymphoedema
The NZBCF is pleased to announce that, during August, we are donating 6 L-Dex bio-impedance machines to hospitals all over New Zealand.
20 July 2016
Memory and Concentration Problems on Tamoxifen - Sound Familiar?
When Pamela Munster, an American oncologist, talked to a room of breast cancer survivors about taking tamoxifen for ten years instead of five, questions about side effects came in like rockets. It was clear that very few women cruise through hormone therapy without issues.
Press release
20 July 2016
NZBCF hosts special event for patients at visiting breast cancer medical conference
The NZ Breast Cancer Foundation hosted a special information day, designed for breast cancer patients, as part of the 2nd Australasian Congress - Advances and Controversies in Breast Cancer (ABC2) on Sunday 10 July 2016 at the Langham Hotel Auckland.
Press release
08 July 2016
International breast cancer experts in Auckland at special event for patients
The NZ Breast Cancer Foundation (NZBCF) is hosting 200 New Zealanders who are affected by breast cancer at a special information day titled ‘Advances & Controversies in Breast Cancer: Consumer/Patient Day’ on Sunday 10th July at the Langham Hotel, Auckland.
Press release
20 May 2016
New database and funding improve access to breast cancer clinical trials
Around the world, the 20th May is regarded as the anniversary of the first ever clinical trial1 and is recognised as International Clinical Trials Day.
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