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Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
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Signs of breast cancer
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Things seen on mammogram
Breast lumps
Things that look different to your normal
Your actions by age
Under 20
Having a mammogram
What about thermography?
Screen 70+
Risk factors
Risk factors we can't change
Lower your risk of breast cancer
Factors that don't cause breast cancer
Breast cancer in the LGBTIQ+ community
Inherited risk
Inherited risk FAQs
Know your own risk
Genetic counselling & testing
Risk-reducing options
Breast cancer
Breast cancer
Breast cancer facts
What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer in NZ
Breast anatomy
Types of breast cancer
Receptor status
Breast cancer in young women
Fertility preservation before treatment starts
Early menopause & bone health
Treatment during pregnancy
Breast cancer in men
Tests & diagnosis
The Triple Test
Understanding your pathology report
Breast cancer staging
Gene expression profiling
Treatment options
Breast conserving surgery
Axillary surgery
Breast reconstruction
Going Flat
What type of surgery should you have?
Side effects and complications
Radiation therapy
Hormonal therapy
Targeted therapy
Questions to ask
Advanced breast cancer
Signs and symptoms
Tests and diagnosis
Hormone therapy
Targeted (biological) therapy
Bone strengthening therapy
Local treatment
New Zealand's ABC Guidelines
Clinical trials
Managing symptoms and side effects
Managing emotional side effects
Living with advanced breast cancer
Sexuality and intimacy
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Talking to children
Clinical trials
Glossary of trial terms
Questions to ask your doctor
Clinical trials FAQs
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Counselling application
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Fitness during and after treatment
Exercise following surgery
Keeping fit and well during treatment
Rehab after treatment
Pink Ribbon™ Card
I’ve been diagnosed
Where to next?
Communicating to friends & family
Financial support
Letting work know
Breast prostheses
Wigs & headwear
Moving forward after treatment
Follow up plan
Coping with long-term side effects of treatment
Body image & sexuality
Complementary therapies
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
Fear of recurrence
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Our Pink Campervans
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Te Rēhita Mate Ūtaetae, the Breast Cancer Foundation National Register
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Research grant programme
Nurse / Clinical Trial Coordinator/ Mammography Grant
Medical Grant
Community Outreach Grant
2023 Election
Let's get Keytruda funded!
Give Us Our Mammograms
NZ’s progress in tackling breast cancer
Missing women
Raising the free mammogram age
Advanced breast cancer in New Zealand
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The latest research on improving breast cancer treatment and detection.
Press Releases
The latest news from Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.
Blog Posts
Advice, research and webinars for our breast cancer community.
Pink Ribbon Bulletins
The latest information on Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s research, news and events - published every two months.
Pink Ribbon Press
Our Spring and Autumn newsletter with the most important information on breast cancer rolled into one publication.
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Press release
20 May 2016
New database and funding improve access to breast cancer clinical trials
Around the world, the 20th May is regarded as the anniversary of the first ever clinical trial1 and is recognised as International Clinical Trials Day.
Press release
04 May 2016
Protecting the Long-Term Health of Kiwi Women Seniors
Petition Presented to Parliament to Extend Free Breast Screening Programme to age 74
Press release
22 April 2016
Pink Ribbon Breakfast Champions support Breast Cancer Research - Campaign kicks off on 1st May
Thousands of New Zealand individuals, organisations and businesses are championing the cause for breast cancer this May in support of the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation’s Pink Ribbon Breakfast annual fundraising campaign.
Press release
30 March 2016
“What’s not to love?” Chelsea Winter encourages Kiwis to sign up for Pink Ribbon Breakfast
Registrations are now open for Pink Ribbon Breakfast, with celebrity cook and author Chelsea Winter encouraging Kiwis to invite their friends to breakfast in May, to raise funds for the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation.
Press release
11 March 2016
Quarter-million in grants to Christchurch Hospital will bring new treatments and improve patient safety
The NZ Breast Cancer Foundation has committed almost a quarter of a million dollars ($243,000) to new projects at Christchurch Hospital, with an emphasis on improving survival, prolonging life for women with advanced disease, and improved patient safety.
Press release
04 February 2016
5 burning questions Kiwi cancer researchers could answer
February 4, World Cancer Day, is a chance to reflect on the burning questions that remain unanswered for the disease that is now the single biggest cause of death for New Zealanders.
Press release
11 November 2015
$300K to target new areas of breast cancer research
The NZ Breast Cancer Foundation is calling for proposals to address some of the most challenging areas in breast cancer research, including prevention of the disease, prevention of metastasis (the spread of cancer, which is what causes the 600-plus breast cancer deaths in NZ each year), and improving clinical practice for better patient outcomes.
Press release
28 October 2015
Forum to share latest treatments and supportive care with advanced breast cancer patients from around NZ
The NZ Breast Cancer Foundation and Sweet Louise have teamed up to host New Zealand’s first Advanced Breast Cancer Forum, to be held in Auckland on Saturday November 14.
Press release
27 October 2015
Shortland Street star Jacqueline Nairn fronts first online self-check video
“Be breast aware.” “Check your breasts.” Such advice is heard often during October, Breast Cancer Month, but many women say they don’t know how to check their breasts.
Press release
04 October 2015
Urzila Carlson is new breast cancer ambassador – no joke!
Comedian Urzila Carlson has joined the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation as an ambassador, inspired by her own youthful cancer experience to help get the message out to NZ women about the importance of early detection.
Press release
01 October 2015
Despair or relief? A mammogram might be the difference, numbers show
This October, Breast Cancer Month, an emotional campaign by the NZ Breast Foundation will remind women that finding cancer early, through a mammogram, might mean the difference between relief and despair.
Press release
28 August 2015
Stacey Morrison says “Walk for the cause” – Pink Star Walk registrations now open
Registrations are now open for the Estee Lauder Companies Pink Star Walks in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
Press release
25 June 2015
Breakfasts fund new research
Read about the latest research into aspirin and genetic testing made possible by May’s Pink Ribbon Breakfast campaign which this year raised over $1.1million from 2500 breakfasts held nationwide.
Press release
20 April 2015
Free Counselling Service Launched
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ has launched a free counselling programme available to women anywhere in New Zealand. BCFNZ Counselling offers three free one-on-one professional counselling sessions to women at whatever stage of their breast cancer treatment they most need it.
Press release
11 February 2015
1000 Tees for 1000 Women
By the end of summer, 1,000 New Zealand women will be diagnosed with breast cancer - an average of eight women diagnosed every day.
Press release
04 February 2015
BCFNZ marks World Cancer Day with grants to improve knowledge and treatment of local cancers
Today, World Cancer Day, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ announced the winners of its research funding contest for studies based on New Zealand’s breast cancer patient registers, awarding six grants for pilot studies to researchers from Auckland, Waikato, Christchurch and Dunedin.
Press release
08 November 2024
Are we falling behind Australia in terms of access to new cancer drugs? Our reply to PHARMAC's report
In early November PHARMAC published a report investigating whether the differences in the funding of cancer treatments in NZ and Australia impact the health of NZ patients. Below is our response to their report. To read PHARMAC's full report, visit their website.
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