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Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
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Having a mammogram
What about thermography?
Screen 70+
Risk factors
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Breast cancer in the LGBTIQ+ community
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Inherited risk FAQs
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Genetic counselling & testing
Risk-reducing options
Breast cancer
Breast cancer
Breast cancer facts
What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer in NZ
Breast anatomy
Types of breast cancer
Receptor status
Breast cancer in young women
Fertility preservation before treatment starts
Early menopause & bone health
Treatment during pregnancy
Breast cancer in men
Tests & diagnosis
The Triple Test
Understanding your pathology report
Breast cancer staging
Gene expression profiling
Treatment options
Breast conserving surgery
Axillary surgery
Breast reconstruction
Going Flat
What type of surgery should you have?
Side effects and complications
Radiation therapy
Hormone therapy
Targeted therapy
Questions to ask
Advanced breast cancer
Signs and symptoms
Tests and diagnosis
Hormone therapy
Targeted (biological) therapy
Bone strengthening therapy
Local treatment
New Zealand's ABC Guidelines
Clinical trials
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Living with advanced breast cancer
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Pink Ribbon™ Card
I’ve been diagnosed
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Financial support
Letting work know
Breast prostheses
Wigs & headwear
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Coping with long-term side effects of treatment
Body image & sexuality
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Te Rēhita Mate Ūtaetae, the Breast Cancer Foundation National Register
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Medical Grant
Community Outreach Grant
2023 Election
Let's get Keytruda funded!
Give Us Our Mammograms
NZ’s progress in tackling breast cancer
Missing women
Raising the free mammogram age
Advanced breast cancer in New Zealand
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Press release
09 May 2021
New funding for breast screening programme an "excellent step forward"
The Government has announced a $55.6 million upgrade for the national breast screening programme's IT system, which means more women should be able to access free mammograms.
Press release
02 March 2021
Pharmac review doesn’t go far enough
The Government has announced it will conduct an independent review into Pharmac. We're disappointed that it doesn't go far enough - without increased funding, NZ will continue to lag behind when it comes to accessing new drugs.
Press release
12 February 2021
Record $1 million investment from BCFNZ for new diagnostic breast service
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ has partnered with Waitematā District Health Board to build a new diagnostic breast service which will radically improve the way patients are assessed and treated.
Press release
03 February 2021
NZ’s five-year survival goal not good enough, says Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
Today’s World Health Organisation announcement that breast cancer is now the most common cancer worldwide is a timely reminder that cancer should be top of the Ministry of Health’s investment priorities.
Press release
27 January 2021
Auckland woman to run 12 half marathons in 2021 for breast cancer
Nadine is planning to run a half marathon every month in 2021 to raise funds for breast cancer and celebrate the resilience and strength of women who have been through breast cancer, like her mum Laural.
Press release
25 January 2021
“It’s an honour to be able to do something to give back”
A woman living with incurable breast cancer is volunteering at the NZ House & Garden Tours as a way to give back for the support she's received.
Press release
13 January 2021
$700,000 boost for NZ scientists at the forefront of tackling breast cancer
Breast Cancer Foundation is helping to fund more than $728,000 for three ground-breaking projects which hope to improve the lives of Kiwis affected by breast cancer and prevent further deaths.
Press release
06 December 2020
Four-year study seeks to improve breast cancer survival for younger Kiwi women
A new research partnership between BCFNZ and the Universities of Auckland and Otago has begun investigating the unique characteristics of breast cancer in younger Kiwi women.
Press release
01 October 2020
New Zealand lights up in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
New Zealand will light up in pink this month for the Global Illumination campaign, in support of Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s annual Pink Ribbon Street Appeal.
Press release
01 October 2020
Sarah Gandy launches Change & Check campaign, as new survey reveals “worrying” breast cancer findings
Broadcaster Sarah Gandy has joined forces with Breast Cancer Foundation NZ to launch the Change & Check campaign.
Press release
21 September 2020
New study will investigate link between breast density and dangerous interval cancers
BCFNZ is funding Dr Monica Saini's study into breast density and interval cancers - the first study of its kind in New Zealand.
Press release
31 August 2020
PINK up your pace for a Pink Ribbon Walk
Grab your pals, put on your pinkest outfit, and walk for the ones you love – Pink Ribbon Walks are once again hitting pavements around the country this October and November, and early bird tickets are selling out fast!
Press release
24 August 2020
Northlanders benefit from new breast diagnostic ultrasound machine
Northland women who have been waiting to find out if they have a breast cancer diagnosis have benefited from a new ultrasound machine, thanks to a $52,000 donation from Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.
Press release
18 June 2020
Finding the key to treating triple-negative breast cancer
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ has awarded Dr Pilkington an $80,000 fellowship for her research into finding a treatment for triple-negative breast cancer
Press release
01 June 2020
Stacey Morrison calls on Kiwis to host a Pink Ribbon Breakfast and help save lives
Broadcaster and Breast Cancer Foundation NZ Ambassador Stacey Morrison is encouraging New Zealanders to host a Pink Ribbon Breakfast this July, to help raise urgent funds needed to support patients and save lives.
Press release
06 May 2020
“I’d never heard of a mammogram”: Pink Caravan spreads the word
The Pink Caravan's tour was shortened due to COVID-19. However, it had already made a huge impact. In Dunedin, one visitor told the caravan nurses, “Until now, I’d never heard of a mammogram.” She was 47 years old.
Press release
06 May 2020
Webinars pull in the viewers
In the last six months, BCFNZ webinars have focused on topics such as breast reconstruction, managing the side effects of treatment, what to expect after a diagnosis and dealing with DCIS. In total, 1016 people have signed up to watch our webinars live over that time and 844 people have watched our webinar videos at a later date.
Press release
06 May 2020
Investing in the future: Breast Cancer Foundation National Register
All breast cancer patients, regardless of ethnicity or geographical location, should receive the same high standard of care. Sadly, at the moment, that isn’t always the case.
Press release
06 May 2020
Nurses provide reassurance during uncertain times
People at various stages of breast cancer treatment have been receiving expert, targeted advice from our nurses via our free 0800 phone line and mybc, our online support community.
Press release
06 May 2020
How you’re helping support Kiwis during COVID-19 crisis
With the whole country on lockdown due to COVID-19, all of us have been faced with restrictive challenges. Those battling breast cancer have been truly tested. Here's how you've helped them.
Press release
24 February 2020
Free GP visits for terminally-ill patients: Breast Cancer Foundation NZ petition
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ has handed a petition to MP Maggie Barry requesting free GP visits for Kiwis with advanced breast cancer.
Press release
03 February 2020
The two-hour challenge: Breast Cancer Foundation urges Kiwi bosses to give staff time off work for mammograms
On World Cancer Day, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is calling on Kiwi employers to support female workers’ health by giving them time off for mammograms.
Press release
14 October 2019
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ launches virtual reality pilot trial
In a world first, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is testing the benefit of virtual reality for patients with advanced breast cancer.
Press release
14 October 2019
World Metastatic Breast Cancer Day sees launch of new podcast series ‘Life with ABC’
The first episode of a podcast series about advanced breast cancer has been released.
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