“Breast cancer touches so many Kiwi women, that’s why it’s such an important cause to support” - News & Updates • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

“Breast cancer touches so many Kiwi women, that’s why it’s such an important cause to support”

“Breast cancer touches so many Kiwi women, that’s why it’s such an important cause to support”

“Breast cancer touches so many Kiwi women, that’s why it’s such an important cause to support”

Monika Naidu has watched two family members and a close friend go through breast cancer. Seeing the suffering caused by the disease is what prompted Monika to act. She and her husband Daven recently hosted a lunch at their restaurant – Auckland’s Chancery Bistro – which raised an incredible $11,255 for BCFNZ.

“We could have chosen to make a private donation, but we thought it was more important to get the message out there that breast cancer is most treatable when it’s detected early,” said Monika.
“I’m particularly keen to make sure more Indian women go for breast screening, because so many of us tend to put everyone but ourselves first. We must prioritise our own health if we are to be the backbones of our families.

“Breast cancer affects so many women, there’s no reason for any of us to think we’re safe. That’s why I want all women to know that we simply must go and get ourselves checked,” she added. 

We’re so grateful to Monika and Daven for their huge efforts to raise both funds and awareness. Anyone can hold their own fundraiser, no matter how big or small. 

Visit bcf.org.nz/fundraise to learn more.