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Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
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Breast lumps
Things that look different to your normal
Your actions by age
Under 20
Having a mammogram
What about thermography?
Screen 70+
Risk factors
Risk factors we can't change
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Factors that don't cause breast cancer
Breast cancer in the LGBTIQ+ community
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Inherited risk FAQs
Know your own risk
Genetic counselling & testing
Risk-reducing options
Breast cancer
Breast cancer
Breast cancer facts
What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer in NZ
Breast anatomy
Types of breast cancer
Receptor status
Breast cancer in young women
Fertility preservation before treatment starts
Early menopause & bone health
Treatment during pregnancy
Breast cancer in men
Tests & diagnosis
The Triple Test
Understanding your pathology report
Breast cancer staging
Gene expression profiling
Treatment options
Breast conserving surgery
Axillary surgery
Breast reconstruction
Going Flat
What type of surgery should you have?
Side effects and complications
Radiation therapy
Hormone therapy
Targeted therapy
Questions to ask
Advanced breast cancer
Signs and symptoms
Tests and diagnosis
Hormone therapy
Targeted (biological) therapy
Bone strengthening therapy
Local treatment
New Zealand's ABC Guidelines
Clinical trials
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Living with advanced breast cancer
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Pink Ribbon™ Card
I’ve been diagnosed
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Financial support
Letting work know
Breast prostheses
Wigs & headwear
Moving forward after treatment
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Coping with long-term side effects of treatment
Body image & sexuality
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Te Rēhita Mate Ūtaetae, the Breast Cancer Foundation National Register
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Community Outreach Grant
2023 Election
Let's get Keytruda funded!
Give Us Our Mammograms
NZ’s progress in tackling breast cancer
Missing women
Raising the free mammogram age
Advanced breast cancer in New Zealand
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Press release
08 February 2018
Hypnotism a hit at Public Education Day
At the end of last year, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ hosted a free public education day themed ‘From Research to Reality’.
Press release
04 February 2018
World Cancer Day: unfortunate words - or silence - add pain to breast cancer diagnosis
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ (BCFNZ) has released a video featuring funny ladies Urzila Carlson and Jackie Clarke acting out an awkward conversation between a newly-diagnosed breast cancer patient and her friend.
31 October 2017
Breast cancer experts share knowledge at free public seminar
The effectiveness of vitamin C in cancer treatment, benefits of self-hypnosis and the prospect of personalised medicine will be among topics discussed at a free public seminar as part of the NZ Breast Cancer Symposium on Sunday November 12th.
Press release
25 October 2017
Extension of breast screening programme will “certainly save lives” – Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
A huge thanks to everyone who signed our petition last year to extend free breast screening for women between 70 and 74.
Press release
24 October 2017
Art Gallery hosts artworks - plus models - from this month's campaign
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s striking art-inspired awareness campaign is coming full circle this weekend.
Press release
24 October 2017
LGBTIQ+ breast cancer info now available
The Breast Cancer Foundation NZ website now has a section dedicated to the LGBTIQ+ community.
Press release
16 October 2017
Third time lucky for Pink Caravan
First it was stopped by an earthquake, then a cyclone, but this time the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ hopes its Pink Caravan will make it to Levin and Palmerston North.
Press release
04 October 2017
Reduce your alcohol intake in October – make your next drink a mocktail!
October is breast cancer awareness month – and to celebrate, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ challenged top Auckland bartender Darren Miley to create three delicious alternatives to your usual alcohol-infused tipple.
Press release
03 October 2017
Centuries on, ancient canvas prompts breast cancer awareness
Four hundred years ago, a young woman named Hendrickje Stoffels posed naked for her lover, Rembrandt.
Press release
21 September 2017
Pink Caravan's regional focus
This year, our focus with the Pink Caravan is to work more intensively with regions in an effort to increase the screening uptake and general breast health knowledge across the country.
21 September 2017
Meet Blake - Vivian and Clinton's wee man
You might recognise Vivian Gubb and her husband Clint (left), from our February 2016 appeal. Touched by Vivian’s story of being diagnosed after just one year of marriage, you gave generously.
10 August 2017
“More drugs and equal access for all,” Breast Cancer Foundation tells politicians
Breast Cancer Foundation chief executive Evangelia Henderson joined with other NZ cancer bosses in Wellington last night to ask our political parties how they plan to improve support and treatments for cancer patients.
Press release
28 June 2017
New #Lumpday promotion urges once-weekly awareness
Kiwis are being encouraged to ‘Make Every Wednesday #Lumpday’ in a new initiative from Breast Cancer Foundation NZ (BCFNZ).
Press release
12 June 2017
Women over 70 one step closer to free mammograms
The Health Select Committee’s recommendation that the Government investigate extending New Zealand’s free national breast screening programme to women aged between 70 and 74 brings access to life-saving mammograms one step closer for our older women, says Breast Cancer Foundation NZ, whose petition for change attracted 10,000 signatures last year.
12 April 2017
FDA confirms link between silicone implants and blood cancer
Last month, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed a link between breast implants and a type of blood cancer called lymphoma. Find out what these findings mean for women who have, or are considering getting, synthetic breast implants as part of their post-cancer reconstructive surgery plan.
Press release
06 April 2017
Heavens rain on pink parade
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s Pink Caravan was due to visit Levin, Palmerston North and Wanganui this week but the near biblical rains of Cyclone Debbie have forced Dianne Swann, Pink Caravan Project Coordinator, to call off the visits.
04 February 2017
Male breast cancer more common than penis cancer, boating deaths and meningitis; even car thefts come close
Kiwi men might be missing a beat when it comes to health and lifestyle priorities this World Cancer Day (Feb 4), says the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation: male breast cancer is more common in men aged 50-plus than two dreaded diseases, cancer of the penis and meningitis.
27 October 2016
Can tears be used to detect breast cancer?
That’s the question that American biotechnology company Ascendant Dx is asking at special movie screenings in Auckland. Ascendant Dx have teamed up with the Rialto Channel and the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation to bring you the Breast Cancer Screenings – a special movie event at Academy Cinema, designed to make you shed a very useful tear.
28 September 2016
Ten ways you can take action this October
1. Volunteer two hours for the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal
20 September 2016
The Pink Caravan’s delivering breast health messages to all corners of New Zealand
This month saw the Pink Caravan kick off it's third nationwide tour.
10 August 2016
Lymphoedema signs & symptoms: What to watch out for
Anyone who has had breast cancer surgery or radiation therapy may be at risk of developing lymphoedema.
27 July 2016
Mammograms: what you need to know
Whether or not you should be having mammograms, and how often, depends on your age. Here's your guide to what action you should be taking at each stage of your life.
27 May 2016
Advanced Breast Cancer Patients Deserve a Slice of Pharmac’s $124 Million Funding Boost
This year, Pharmac's budget is bigger than ever before, but advanced breast cancer patients are still missing out on life-changing therapies.
Press release
04 May 2016
Protecting the Long-Term Health of Kiwi Women Seniors
Petition Presented to Parliament to Extend Free Breast Screening Programme to age 74
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