Debra's story - Personal stories • Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

Debra's story

Debra, who is 55 and lives in Cambridge, is hosting her seventh Pink Ribbon Breakfast this year.

Debra, left, presents flowers to a breast cancer survivor at her Pink Ribbon Breakfast
Debra, left, presents flowers to a breast cancer survivor at her Pink Ribbon Breakfast

I belong to a walking group with around 80 ladies, called the Fat Bottom Girls, and it seems every year one of our members is on the breast cancer journey.

I also watched my mother-in-law go through breast cancer, so I know it’s also something that could hit myself or my daughter too. As a woman, it’s something you live with all time and I’d like to think, if it did happen to me, I’d get the very best treatment and support there is available.

As a barber, I have many men sit in my chair who have had wives or partners go through breast cancer. So it’s been a real eye-opener getting the male perspective of how it affects the family.

Hosting a Pink Ribbon Breakfast is our way of helping to raise the profile of breast cancer and also raise some much-needed funds for an organisation doing such great work.

The first Pink Ribbon Breakfast I hosted was just eight of us in a café and it’s grown bigger and bigger every year. 2019 was our biggest yet, with 100 ladies at the Cambridge Raceway. We raised just over $3000!

We have games, raffles and photo booths, it’s always so much fun. Starting with zero budget is always exciting. I enjoy getting on the phone to secure prizes and food. It’s just amazing to see what people will give when it’s for a good cause.

What I most enjoy about hosting is providing a space where people can open up and talk, and also have fun with their guard down, knowing it’s all for a fantastic cause.

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